Sunday , 12 April 2015
Raman Kalyan, also known as Flute Raman, is one of the word’s leading flautists in the Carnatic style of music. Raman has captivated audiences in a number of India’s major music festivals and toured widely in USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, and Japan. On several occasions, he has had the privilege of performing duets along... Read more »
SUMA SUDHINDRA is one of the acclaimed Veena artiste of the country today. Trained under Veena Maestros Raja Rao and Chitti Babu. She has blended into her music the classical conservatism at the dynamic spirit of innovations. She has been conferred the tile of Ganakala Shree by the renowned Karnataka Gana Kala Parishat, the only body of musicians in the... Read more »
Vighnaraja , a Carnatic classical Vocalist started his early tutelage when he was 5 years old under his thapasvi father and later when he was 14 had a short stint of 2 years of training from Vid Sri D N Subramanya Bhat, one of his father’s disciples. and again continued his training from his father himself. Vighnaraja,in addition to his... Read more »
Veena, trained in Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam has been conducting art festival during Ramanavmi Festival for the last 25 years. She has choreographed ballets on society relevant modern themes. She has conducted Workshops and given lecture demonstrations in USA . Veena is running a dance school since 20 years and has started a foundation – AIM (Artistes Introspective Movement) – training... Read more »
Poornima Ashok is a performing Bharathanatyam danseuse, choreographer and teacher from Bangalore. She is committed to the art as a lifetime pursuit. She has had her training from Guru Smt. Radha Sridhar from Bangalore and has furthered her training under the famous Gurus Sri Dhananjayans of Chennai. She has learnt the intricate aspects of ‘Abhinaya’ from Guru Smt. Kalanidhi Narayan.... Read more »
Vishwa Mohan Bhatt also known as V. M. Bhatt (born July 12, 1950) is an Indian slide guitar player. Bhatt is the creator of the Mohan Veena. He performs Hindustani classical music and won a Grammy Award in 1994. Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt Being the foremost disciple of Pt. Ravi Shankar, Vishwa Mohan belongs to that elite body of musicians... Read more »
Intense, extraordinary and luminous are the qualities that distinguish Malavika Sarukkai’s dancing. With her artistic mastery and technique she commands a presence on the world stage. She is acclaimed globally for her creative dance choreographies, which transport the viewer to the heart beat of dance, taking dance beyond specific geographies. As a passionate path breaking dancer from India, she has... Read more »
As a tribute to her Dance Guru, Manju Barggavee, Deepa Sashindran is organizing the Natya Vedam Annual Dance Festival 2012 to be held on May 18 and 19 in Bangalore, featuring eminent artists of classical and contemporary dance forms. Kuchipudi Dancer, Art Motivator & Entrepreneur Deepa Sashindran has a treat in store for Bangalore. She is organizing the Natya Vedam... Read more »