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As a tribute to her Dance Guru, Manju Barggavee, Deepa Sashindran is organizing the Natya Vedam Annual Dance Festival 2012 to be held on May 18 and 19 in Bangalore, featuring eminent artists of classical and contemporary dance forms. Kuchipudi Dancer, Art Motivator & Entrepreneur Deepa Sashindran has a treat in store for Bangalore. She is organizing the Natya Vedam Annual Dance Festival 2012 to be held on May 18 and 19 to pay tribute to her Guru Smt.Manju Barggavee,Eminent artists of classical and contemporary dance forms will perform at the event. The venue is the prestigious Chowdaiah Memorial Hall, Vyalikaval, Malleshwaram,Bangalore.
On May 18, Rama Vaidyanathan will hold the audience spellbound with her Bharatanatyam performance, followed by the grand event of the day where Manju Barggavee will render a magical Kuchipudi performance. On May 19, it is Gayatri Sriram’s Bharatanatyam performance followed by Dance historian Ashish Mohan Khokar’s Purusha ensemble of Bharatanatyam, Kathak and Odissi comprising of eminent male dancers like Bharathanatyam star of Bangalore Sathyanarayana Raju, Murli Mohan Kathak and finale by Madhu Natraj’s Kathak and Contemporary performance. The NatyaVedam Annual Dance Festival 2012 is an realisation of DeepaSashindran, Founder of Karma Kreators,in collaboration with NatyaVedam, the school founded by Guru Manju Barggavee. Speaking about the upcoming event, Deepa Sashindran said, “The event is an ode to my Guru Smt. Manju Barggavee. As her disciple of more than 2 decades, I am proud to take this opportunity to pay tribute to my Guru. My aim is to make this an unforgettable event and a magical evening with the wonderful line up of eminent artists who have carved a niche for themselves in the wonderful world of dance.
There will be performances of different dance forms from these professionals.” Deepa Sashindran is an versatile artist of the Kuchipudi art form since the past two decades and senior disciple of Smt. Manju Barggavee. She holds the distinction of being the first disciple to have her Kuchipudi Rangapravesham under the tutelage of Smt Manju Barggavee. Deepa has rendered innumerable solo performances in India and abroad and is the recipient of several accolades for her spellbinding performances. Artists’ profiles for May 18 Smt Rama Vaidyanathan from Delhi is among India’s leading classical dancers and the best interpreter of the ancient art form of Bharatanatyam.
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On May 18, Rama Vaidyanathan will hold the audience spellbound with her Bharatanatyam performance, followed by the grand event of the day where Manju Barggavee will render a magical Kuchipudi performance. On May 19, it is Gayatri Sriram’s Bharatanatyam performance followed by Dance historian Ashish Mohan Khokar’s Purusha ensemble of Bharatanatyam, Kathak and Odissi comprising of eminent male dancers like Bharathanatyam star of Bangalore Sathyanarayana Raju, Murli Mohan Kathak and finale by Madhu Natraj’s Kathak and Contemporary performance. The NatyaVedam Annual Dance Festival 2012 is an realisation of DeepaSashindran, Founder of Karma Kreators,in collaboration with NatyaVedam, the school founded by Guru Manju Barggavee. Speaking about the upcoming event, Deepa Sashindran said, “The event is an ode to my Guru Smt. Manju Barggavee. As her disciple of more than 2 decades, I am proud to take this opportunity to pay tribute to my Guru. My aim is to make this an unforgettable event and a magical evening with the wonderful line up of eminent artists who have carved a niche for themselves in the wonderful world of dance.
There will be performances of different dance forms from these professionals.” Deepa Sashindran is an versatile artist of the Kuchipudi art form since the past two decades and senior disciple of Smt. Manju Barggavee. She holds the distinction of being the first disciple to have her Kuchipudi Rangapravesham under the tutelage of Smt Manju Barggavee. Deepa has rendered innumerable solo performances in India and abroad and is the recipient of several accolades for her spellbinding performances. Artists’ profiles for May 18 Smt Rama Vaidyanathan from Delhi is among India’s leading classical dancers and the best interpreter of the ancient art form of Bharatanatyam.
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